
Aircast VenaGo - On Leg
Aircast VenaGo - On both legs
Aircast VenaGo - Recharge at outlet
Aircast VenaGo - Reclining with laptop
Aircast VenaGo - On Leg
Aircast VenaGo - On both legs
Aircast VenaGo - Recharge at outlet
Aircast VenaGo - Reclining with laptop


At-home Care.
In-hospital Technology.

DVT risk doesn’t end when patients leave the hospital—in fact, the risk can continue for 30 days or more after discharge. VenaGo™ from DJO® is a portable device designed to offer convenient DVT prevention. Based on clinically proven* technology, the innovative, pre-set pressure cycle provides compression to the leg that mimics the blood flow when you are walking, helping to prevent the formation of dangerous blood clots deep inside the leg.

* Data on file

VenaGo Callouts


Battery-operated and weighing just one pound, VenaGo is easy for patients to use with single button controls, without cords to plug-in or tubes to connect. The rechargeable battery provides compression all night (10 - 12 hours) and recharges in just four hours.

  1. Graduated sequential compression features 2 overlapping aircells (duplex); the distal aircell inflates first, followed shortly by the proximal aircell.
  2. Asymmetric compression design applies compression to the anterior and posterior portion of the calf to help empty the veins in the leg.
  3. Easy-to-see pressure readings and total use time
  4. Applies 50mmhg once per minute
  5. Downloadable compliance data
  6. Simple one-button operation

How to Use VenaGO

Ordering Information

Description Part Number
VenaGO 31M