Health care professionals trained in the latest techniques using our high-tech solutions.
Educational offerings delivered to health care professionals globally.
Medical Education Offerings
Our diverse offerings offer health care professionals a range of educational opportunities to foster continuous growth.

Peer-to-Peer Consultation
A unique one-on-one opportunity for health care professionals to review and prep for an upcoming case with a physician expert selected by Enovis Foot & Ankle.

Local Lab
A tailored, hands-on training opportunity brought directly to health care professionals’ region to gain practical surgical skills.

Surgeon Experience (SE) Visit
A personalized offering for health care professionals seeking to explore our comprehensive foot and ankle product portfolio at our premier headquarters in Lewisville, Texas.

Regional Programs
An immersive two-day educational opportunity held regionally, led by distinguished faculty, offering an in-depth exploration of our comprehensive foot and ankle portfolio.

Resident and Fellow Courses
A unique opportunity in the industry to prepare residents and fellows for their future careers with premier training, guided by leading foot and ankle experts.

STAR® Ankle Certification
A hands-on certification offering that focuses on advancing health care professionals' proficiency in using the Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement (STAR® Ankle) system.