Patient Resources

Support Guide


Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein. DVT is often undiagnosed and can lead to serious illness, disability, and in some cases, death. That’s why it is important to be aware of risks and prevention.

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Support Guide


Plantar fasciitis typically causes a stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot near the heel. Stretching and strengthening exercises and using special devices may help relieve symptoms.

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Support Guide


Arthritis is a joint disease that is a common cause of shoulder pain. As the cartilage that surrounds the shoulder joint wears away, the protective lining between the bones is lost.

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Support Guide


Most ankle sprains can be treated without surgery. Even a complete ligament tear can heal without surgical repair if it is immobilized appropriately.

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Support Guide


Your options for managing your ACL injury depend on several factors, including how severe the injury is and your lifestyle.

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Support Guide


While there is no cure for osteoarthritis, several treatments can help decrease pain and swelling, improve joint motion and muscle strength, and make it easier to perform everyday activities.

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Fitting Videos

DonJoy Performance - How to apply ACL

DonJoy Defiance PRO Custom Knee Brace - ACL - How to Apply - Spanish

Defiance Pro - How to Apply

DonJoy Defiance PRO Custom Knee Brace - CI - How to Apply - Spanish

Isoform TLSO Supine Clinician Application

Isoform TLSO Supine Clinician Application

Isoform LSO LSO+ Supine Clinician Application

Isoform LSO LSO+ Supine Clinician Application

Trend trauma collar - how to apply supine.jpg

Trauma Collar - How to Apply – Supine

Trend trauma collar how to apply - amblatory

Trauma Collar - How to Apply - Ambulatory

Custom Elbow - How to Apply

DonJoy CE Elbow Pro - How to Apply


DonJoy Defiance PRO Custom Knee Brace - ACL - How to Apply


DonJoy Defiance PRO - Anti-Migration Band - How to Apply


DonJoy Defiance PRO Custom Knee Brace - CI - How to Apply


DonJoy Velocity+ Ankle Brace How to Apply


KelviTEC Back Wrap - How to Apply


KelviTEC Shoulder Wrap - How to Apply


KelviTEC Ankle Wrap - How to Apply


KelviTEC Knee Wrap - How to Apply

ROAM OA - How to apply - clinician

Roam OA - How to Apply - Clinicians

Patient Stories

Empowr Knee - Aleto

EMPOWR Partial Knee - Aleto Interview


DynaNail® TTC Patient Testimonial - Dave


AltiVate® Anatomic CS EDGE® - Different By Design Testimonial with Dr. Edwards

My DonJoy Female Force has been there with me while going through the hardest thing in my life. I tore my ACL and meniscus almost a year and a half ago while pitching. The rehab was tough. Being away from my teammates was tougher. Being away from fastpitch, the game I love, for almost 9 months was the toughest. I used my DonJoy through the rehab, on my first game back, and still to this day. I am so thankful for the peace of mind and confidence my DonJoy brace gives me to go out and be the best I can for me, my teammates, my coaches, and my family. Thank you DonJoy!

— Kelie Byers

I just wanted to thank you all very much. I served four years in the USMC in the infantry, and I completed 2 combat tours (Iraq and Afghanistan.) While in Afghanistan our constant patrols and strenuous missions took a tool on my knee. I got out in 2011 and the VA was quick to operate on my knee. However, it only made my pain worse. I've suffered with severe pain and limited activity for 3 years. I'm thankful to now be able to keep up with my children and their active lifestyles.

— Alex Sitorius

Hey wanted to give you feedback. I am a walking ad for DonJoy! I've been to 3 elite lacrosse tournaments and I wear the Trizone cuz I walk and stand all day. I've had a handful of people at each one ask about it!

I've been wearing the reaction one too when I run.

Everyone that asks me I point them to your site. Anything else I can do to get a better word out there. I really have had a lot of people ask. You know we only "hang" with the sporty over 40 and they all have knee probs!!!

— Heather Hughes Lalla

I have always wanted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and decided this was the year. I spent multiple months training and preparing to summit the "Roof of Africa" when I tore my medial meniscus just weeks before realizing my dream. The MRI also showed I have grade 3 degeneration of the cartilage in my right knee, this was a result of surgery on my ACL&MCL 20 years ago. Needless to say, I was in shock about the diagnosis. I spoke with my orthopedist and he recommended I speak with a DonJoy representative about the situation.

— James Bullion

I have had two major injuries during my career—both ACL tears. There is a lot of pressure inside and outside of schools and organizations to recover quickly, which I appreciate, but it’s up to young athletes, parents and coaches to take steps to recover safely and guard against injury and re-injury. This will only allow for a stronger, better return to sport in the long run.

— Megan Rapinoe

I tore my ACL last year during an 8th grade basketball game for my club team, The Panthers. A year later, I got my DonJoy knee brace and made both the JV and Varsity team at my high school as a freshman! My brace gives me the confidence and support I need to play my best game. I named my brace "Joy" and just like my rep told me, I can't imagine playing without her. I'm playing soccer in the Spring and know my brace will give me the extra confidence I need to make the varsity team! Thank you for making a brace that is both functional and comfortable.

— Brooke Wohlers

I was devastated when I tore my ACL last Winter playing basketball. I underwent surgery in mid March 2016 and then started the long 6 month rehab. My true love is softball and my high school season started before I was released, but with the help of my athletic trainer and the titanium brace I was able to slip right back into my starting catcher position on our varsity team. I was honored to be chosen for first team all districts and all region post season. We ended the season in the Quarterfinals. Thanks to my DonJoy brace I was able to go right back to what I love.

— Emily Fair

Hi! My name is Emily, and I want to share with you my Donjoy story!

I have a pretty unique story, and my Donjoy ACL braces play a vital role. Unlike sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, or skiing; my sport isn't one where your brand is yet represented by an athlete or even recognized. But nonetheless, I trust Donjoy's ACL braces to allow me to confidently continue in my favorite extreme sport in the whole world. Skydiving.

— Emily Brooks

I began my journey with DJO Global with the Defiance brace. The Defiance brace brought me strength, confidence and support. I was wearing the Defiance brace to help me recover from ACL and meniscus repair surgery. With the Defiance brace I felt I could run father, harder and with more confidence.

— Jennifer Foley