ComfortFORM Wrist with Abducted Thumb

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ComfortFORM™ Wrist with Abducted Thumb

Durable lightweight fabric is lined for breathability and patient comfort. Dual aluminum stays support palmar surface of wrist and extensor surface of thumb. Stays can be adjusted for proper angulation. Contact closure straps. Ideal for wrist sprains, strains, scaphoid injuries, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Gamekeeper's thumb, and deQuervain's Syndrome symptoms.

PDAC Assigned Code: L3807 and L3809

Ordering Information

Measurement taken at wrist circumference

Part Number Description Measurement Length Sizse
79-87302 Right ≤ 5.5" 7.5" X-Small
79-87312 Left ≤ 5.5" 7.5" X-Small
79-87303 Right 5.5" - 6.5" 7.5" Small
79-87313 Left 5.5" - 6.5" 7.5" Small
79-87305 Right 6.5" - 7.5" 8" Medium
79-87315 Left 6.5" - 7.5" 8" Medium
79-87307 Right 7.5" - 8.5" 8.5" Large
79-87317 Left 7.5" - 8.5" 8.5" Large
79-87308 Right ≥ 8.5" 8.5" X-Large
79-87318 Left ≥ 8.5" 8.5" X-Large