Foundation Shoulder System

Foundation® Shoulder System
Developed in conjunction with Richard J. Friedman, MD FRCS (C) and Mark A. Frankle, MD, world-renowned authorities in shoulder reconstruction, the Foundation Shoulder System offers the latest advances in shoulder technology.
The Foundation Shoulder System is designed to restore the natural biomechanics of the shoulder joint and reestablish soft tissue balance by maintaining proper height adjustments as well as humeral to glenoid articulation.
- Features & Benefits
Foundation Shoulder System
Canal Flare Index
A ninety-three cadaver database of proximal humeri and matching scapulae was utilized to determine the optimal endosteal canal flare index of the Foundation ® Total Shoulder design. Canal flare index has important implications in designing an anatomical humeral stem for inherent stability in rotation and bending.
Larger Radius
Anatomical studies have shown that having the radius of the glenoid slightly greater than the radius of the humeral head provides advantages of allowing translation without loading the glenoid rim. Based on these studies, the radius of curvature of the Foundation glenoid component is 3mm larger in the superior/inferior dimension and 6mm larger in the anterior/posterior dimension than the corresponding humeral head.
Head Size Range
Fifteen CoCr neutral humeral head sizes are available representing 5 diameters with 3 standard heights for each diameter. Ten CoCr offset humeral head sizes are available allowing the surgeon unlimited options in head alignment. This comprehensive size range allows for optimum soft tissue balancing. - Foundation Shoulder Fracture System
The Foundation ® Shoulder Fracture System's modular trials establish a stable trial reduction without the use of an external jig simultaneously determining canal size, stem height, and stem version all in one simple step. Establishing proper head height in relation to the glenoid is critical to the outcome of arthroplasty for fractures of the proximal humerus. A prosthesis placed too high or too low will cause excessive forces on the glenoid and rotator cuff. The challenge has been how to determine the proper height when the final implant is cemented. The Foundation Shoulder Fracture System provides an easy answer for this challenge.
- Features
- Markings are present on the trial bodies so that height can be reproduced independent to the stem sizing.
- Prosthesis holes for suture attachment are available anterior, posterior, medial and lateral.
- Anterior fin allows for anatomical reconstruction of the tuberosities.
- A guide to ensure proper restoration of head to tuberosity height.